• tygerprints
    27 months ago

    Except it never happened here in Utah. Church and state are intertwined in every way here, the legislature withholds money from any schools that don’t teach “christian” values or that try to include any actual truth about history. Everything here is controlled by the church, from what you buy in stores to how your kids can dress or talk or who they can hang out with.

      • tygerprints
        26 months ago

        Well it’s a bit of hyperbole. But as an example, the legislature was considering a bill to demand that all schools have the 10 commandments prominently on display (whether christian, muslim, or any kind of school). There was such outcry from the public that they instead settled on a curriculum telling teachers they have to include teaching about the 10 commandments in every classroom instead.

        After all how better to instill a sense of guilt and not living like Jesus than to force that down kids’ throats at every turn?

          • tygerprints
            16 months ago

            Exactly, it’s one reason the mormon church does not encourage women to read or have opinions. They know that intelligence leads to discovering the church is a big sham.