Apparently making material available to those who choose to seek it out is “shoving it down (the) throats” of people who wouldn’t step foot in a fucking library if they were bitten by a snake and the antidote was inside.
This is what boggles me about this whole library fiasco. The ones clamoring for book bans likely haven’t set foot near a library after flunking out of high school, much less can read or comprehend words bigger than those found in Dr Seuss books. Yet they’re basing political might on what they’ve heard these books are about, and how it lines up with what their local pastors and “news” sources shove up their ass. Zero first hand knowledge of the actual literature, just fear mongering that some random author is turning their kids gay and indoctrinating people against good Christian values.
This whole defunding of education really is cyclical and beginning to bear it’s ugly fruit.
This is what boggles me about this whole library fiasco. The ones clamoring for book bans likely haven’t set foot near a library after flunking out of high school, much less can read or comprehend words bigger than those found in Dr Seuss books.
I think I see why they do this even though they’re stupid for doing so. It goes something like this:
“I don’t read books. Liberals read books. When kids read books they turn into liberals. So the solution to hurting liberals and ‘protecting’ our children is to get rid of books”
There are dozens of ways this is shortsighted behavior of conservatives, but being shortsighted is very on-brand with conservatives anyway.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.
Yet they’re basing political might on what they’ve heard these books are about, and how it lines up with what their local pastors and “news” sources shove up their ass.
It’s characteristic of today’s right wing that they will follow their authority figures and would-be fascist dictators like sheep, while accusing everyone who disagrees or questions them of being mindless sheep.
the antivenom found in libraries is a woke socialist trap that will give you autism and aids and turn you into that guy waving giant pride flags with both hands while wearing nothing but a jock strap and a rainbow mohawk.
(alright, now I want a rainbow mohawk. I promise to wear more than just a jockstrap though, nobody wants to see that.)
I just want a regular mohawk. Stupid hair that’s both curly and wavy.
IIRC from my highschool days. Elmers glue.
*this advice is not predicated on actual first hand knowledge. Just from some friends who liked liberty spikes.
That takes me back. A friend of mine back in high school came downtown with his head in a giant 2-foot spike straight up. I asked him how he did it and he replied, “Elmer’s Glue.”
But I don’t know that I’d want to put it in my hair every day after I showered yesterday’s off.
the good news is that Elmer’s white glue (PVA) is pretty much as unoffensive as glue gets.
I wouldn’t recommend gorilla glue… but then I saw that video…
Yeah, it’s not damaging or anything. It would just be annoying to put it in my hair every day.
Elmers gel glue worked well.
These people only have one book (that most of them haven’t even read start to finish) and it’s enough for them - anything else is probably blasphemy, satanism and (worst of all) woke…
It’s just so sad and scary that even tough we now have access to sum total of human knowledge at our fingertips, and yet people like these, who would drag us all back to middle ages, still exist, and if anything become stronger and stronger…
Without the ALA to fight for libraries, they will get shut down. That is the real reason behind this. Loss of advocacy.
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If you haven’t considered it yourself, see if you can work with the library on a publicity campaign. The library here offers “We [heart] our library” signs for people’s lawns. They get people into a city-wide book read every year and give out free copies of the book to whoever wants them. This year, it’s The Martian. See what services your library might offer like 3D printing or even just free xeroxing and faxing and see what you can do with informing local social media groups.
My wife is a public library administrator here in Indiana and I would be happy to talk to her about more ideas if you want them.
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No problem, I am very happy to help promote libraries. I think they’re one of the country’s most vital resources even if lots of people don’t take advantage of them.
Hey. Bill Gates. Fund all the libraries in the US at triple budget in perpetuity. It’s probably not even a rounding error for you.
That’s literally what Andrew Carnegie did over 100 years ago and is why so many small towns have libraries.
Let’s give all children 3 meals a day, while we 're at it. In perpetuity.
Do the grown-ups too. The rich could afford it.
Let’s call the adult one “Universal Basic Income.” Or something like that
Damn you commies! /s 😂
I thought that was cool so I read the wikipedia page you linked…and that’s not what he did.
Carnegie’s funds covered only the library buildings themselves, and Carnegie gave library buildings to cities on the condition that the cities stocked and maintained them
He built the buildings but required the cities to pay for the upkeep. We want it the other way around. The libraries already exist but someone has to pay to keep them running.
I realize it’s not the same thing exactly, but without Carnegie, many of those libraries wouldn’t have existed.
There are a lot of bad things you could say about Carnegie, but this is not one of them.
The bill had 22 primary sponsors, including Republican state Sen. Larry Walker, who told NPR he was upset to learn his local library worked with the ALA to increase literary representation for the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities.
“I feel this is kind of being forced on our children and kind of shoved down our throat," Walker told NPR. “I’m a pretty tolerant individual, but this has gone too far.”
Yeah I doubt that, ya big dumb bitch
I’m sure he has a gay cousin he hasn’t spoken to in 30 years who he’s perfectly tolerant of.
“I’m a pretty tolerant individual, but people voluntarily going to a library and voluntarily getting a book and voluntarily reading it has gone too far.”
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This nation is overdue for a cleansing.
The problem we face is that they’re saying the exact same thing and no one wants to acknowledge the other and meet in the middle to negotiate.
There is no way to “meet in the middle” with fascists. It’s becoming a zero-sum game over every issue. If the fascists win, we all lose.
Your problem is you believe an entire political party is “fascist”. I can promise you this is not this case for the vast majority of Republicans. Republicans are not fascist by any stretch of the definition. So, like them, you are making assumptions about a cohort without ever taking the time to converse with them. You can disagree with me all you want but you’re just proving my point.
“By disagreeing with me, you prove me right” is some truly schoolyard level intelligence.
Is Trump a fascist? Yes.
Is Trump the de facto leader of the Republican party? Yes.
If it walks like a duck…
Keyword: “de facto”. The GOP is lacking leadership just as badly as the Democratic Party is. (I’d go as far to say Biden is a better Republican leader than he is a Democrat.)
It’s frightening to observe the assumptions people have of others based on headlines and video clips representing a small fraction of an immense community. What you read in “the news” and on social media does not represent the majority of Americans. If we don’t take the time to get to know each other, we are most certainly barreling towards a civil war. I mean, sure, lots of people are stupid but stupid doesn’t equate to evil and oppressive.
We’ve already seen the pushback by republicans on abortion legislation and book banning and it was the Republican party who tried to keep Trump off the ballot. Trump and fascism does not represent the GOP.
Unless you’re willing and able to get to know people who have different opinions than you and sit down and have a real exchange of ideas, you’re not a solution, you’re a problem.
Trump and fascism does not represent the GOP.
It is up to the GOP to show this, not everybody else to act like it’s true.
Banning books and defunding educational institutions basically = 0
Keeping things as they are currently, people can read, organizations can advocate basically = 1
Centrists like you would slash the budget for all of them, ban half of all books, and close 50% of public libraries. But 50% of 1 is not halfway between 1 and zero…
LOL calling me a centrist. I’m just a level headed commie who actually believes in community and humanity.
Unfortunately, jackass conservatives don’t believe in such a thing. If they did, there wouldn’t even be a need to “meet in the middle” over actually banning literature.
Meeting people in the middle works for things like “what should we spend tax money on”, because those are things that are not zero-sum - you can actually divide the pie up and make everyone reasonably happy. Conservatives are not happy until they have it 100% their way, as you’ve seen time and time again. You give them an inch, they take the whole damn yardstick.
First it was “you can’t say gay”, then it was “you can’t ask what people want to be called”, and now it’s escalated again to “if you ask, you’re a literal sex offender”.
jackass conservatives
That’s redundant.
You’ve also just described the extreme left. The extremes of the political spectrum get a lot of the news and they’re both wrong and need to be put in check.
Bro most people aren’t the extreme left and leftist politicians aren’t enacting book bannings and banning people from talking about the fact that they exist in school.
What the literal f**k, are they trying to out-Florida Florida?
Inbred racists gonna do what they do.
This will be challenged in court and almost certainly be struck down on 1st amendment grounds. Targeting a specific organization like that is a pretty flagrant violation, but I wouldn’t expect the supporters of this bill to be familiar with the US Constitution.
the hatred and pettiness amongst the far-right knows no bounds.
this woman that they hate so much is over 8 months into her one year term as the association’s president. elections for the position are held a year in advance. her successor, to take over in july, has been known spring of last year
the bill appears to be even more damaging…
dissolve the state board for the certification of librarians and remove certification and continuing education requirements;
so any nutjob of their choosing can now be a public or school librarian in that state.