To someone who is subscribed to multiple communities on Reddit, has there been any change in their feed in their quality or amount of posts since July 1st? Any change in the amount of comments in the posts? Even the number of community subscribers?

I want to see how Reddit is doing without going back to their site to check. I know other people might still be seeing Reddit, so I wish to hear directly from them.

  • @DolphLundgren
    1 year ago

    I noticed I think just yesterday that r/pics was going full NSFW (tag) but didn’t see any nudity in posts.

    While I fully get the expectation of “business will go back to usual”, I don’t quite think it will, Reddit is only fantastic because of the hard work people do for free. It’s not evenly distributed who does this hard work - it’s a certain small % of users, so if a large number of the hard workers leave, the site will simply just not be the same. Quality will go down - but I have noticed some communities have not migrated at all (specific Camera, and many tech communities are simply not present here - music/bands are also underpopulated.)

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      They were ‘forced’ by their members as they kept swearing in comments even tho the mods warned them to not swear in comments… So the nsfw tag has nothing to do with the protest. See?