• @duffman
    11 year ago

    Made up scenario, are you joking? I can’t even count the number of people I know personally who only care about short term satisfaction over their long term well being. There’s an epidemic of people out there buying cars they can’t afford, going on trips they can’t afford, wracking up credit card debt and living paycheck to paycheck.

    • @BluesF
      1 year ago

      That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about people not saving and then specifically expecting that the state “make up the difference”.

      My point (which I admit I didn’t make well) is that this is a false scenario because, in my experience anyway, A) you pay for your own state pension through taxes while you are working and B) everyone gets a state pension regardless of their personal pension.

      No one is expecting more from the state specifically for them because they didn’t save enough… Are they? I’m sure that people, like me, believe the state pension should be enough to live on, but for everyone, not just those who squander their savings.

      • @duffman
        01 year ago

        I definitely misunderstood you, my bad. I’m also personally frustrated how my parents lived carelessly and got to live their youth care free(which was never an option for me) and now are putting pressure on me to support them. I’m trying my best to setup my own child for success and trying to figure out if I will ever be done with the painful grind of my 9-6.