Biden Has Canceled Student Debt for Nearly 4 Million

  • bean
    1 year ago

    Consider that student loan debt is over $2 TRILLION. Source: Student Loan Debt Clock

    $138 billion canceled, according to the CNN article posted by OP. The article also claims $1.6 Trillion, which is low compare to multiple other sources, including the debt clock above.

    So $138 billion from $2 Trillion is 6.9%, not the optimistic 9% the article claims.

    Drops 💧 in the bucket. 🪣

    Edit: for those downvoting me, I’m a Biden supporter, and will still vote Biden. I’m just someone who got reamed from student loans. Just because I disagree with how the student loans issue has played out doesn’t make me a Trump supporter. FFS! You can’t even have a negative opinion on a single thing without being lumped into being a Trumpthumper. 🙄🙄 Further was I really criticizing Biden? I didn’t even mention his name. I pointing out that the article skewed facts and it wasn’t as rosy as it looked. I have been assfucked by student loans and predatory lending and I’ve gotten zero help.

    • @RapidcreekOP
      181 year ago

      One drop more, I reckon, than you would have ever gotten out of a Republican President.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        11 year ago

        “You criticized Biden, therefore you must be a trumpist!” is the only defense centrists have anymore.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          61 year ago

          I am too lazy to argue that the OP argument makes no sense in an ongoing program, or that it is not justifiable to say too little when there was zero in the first place, or go over the history of this issue which was stopped by various government organizations (checking notes) three times…but no, I’m not claiming anyone is a Trumpist.

          • @Ensign_Crab
            -11 year ago

            If you’re not claiming anyone is a trumpist, there’s no reason to bring up trump as a whatabout to criticism of Biden.

            • @RapidcreekOP
              11 year ago

              I didn’t. I said Republican President. There are quite a few of those.

      • bean
        1 year ago

        One drop more, I reckon, than you would have ever gotten out of a Republican President.

        You reckon wrong. Did you forget Trump gave out stimulus checks? He even wanted his name on them.

        In 2008, George W Bush, to counter the financial crisis, signed the Economic Stimulus Act, which provided tax rebates to Americans.

        There you go. Two recent examples where we got drops from Republican Presidents.

        • @RapidcreekOP
          01 year ago

          Bwhahahaha. Not education debt.

          • bean
            -11 year ago

            You used a blanket statement to try and illustrate a point that you wouldn’t ‘ever’ get money like that from a Republican President. Now you want to make it seem like you’re ONLY talking about Education. Man, you just move the goalposts because you’re lazy and don’t actually have anything of value to add here. I’m done wasting my time on you.

            • @RapidcreekOP
              01 year ago

              So you can’t read the context so you can arrange an argument. Good for you.

        • @Specal
          -11 year ago

          Both those acts created debt however, not reduced debt