So i was told i had autism when i wa salmost out of elemtray school and ive always been treated like an outcast and everything is just hard for me. i feel like my family understands i have autism and other things but at the same time they just dont understand, if that makes sense. “normal” everday joe’s bascilly act like total jerks to us and i dont understadn why they just asume who we are for no reason.

this all annoys me to say and ye si have depression too, is there a way to have atleast one person understand what its like being autistic by chance?

also sorry about ranting and being agry i hav ealot of my mind that i need to share.

  • @RoseyCat
    22 years ago

    I’m not autistic, but two of my kids are. I explain to them that nobody is normal, and we all have our own little world in our mind. It’s ok to be different, and make sure to surround oneself with good people. Sometimes people (esecsilly children) can he assholes, but that’s what’s wrong with them not you.

    I’m the only severely visually person in my life, and nobody will understand how different the world is for me. That’s ok though because what they do understand is when I need help, and if they don’t it’s ok to speak up and ask for it.