• bbbbbbbbbbb
    32 years ago

    My biggest gripe with halo 5 was the lootcard system, where you could technically pay money for the best weapons and vehicles and bring them into a match were your opponents didnt have access to those same items. Its a game imbalance that should have never been implemented.

    • Paradox
      22 years ago

      It wasn’t great, but it did do somethings right, that Infinite doesn’t. Everything in Halo 5 could be earned in-game, without spending real money (barring a few announcer voices). There was even a bit of logic and a game to it; you worked through bronze, then silver, then gold. I didn’t spend a cent past the original purchase price, and after a year I had every unlock.

      Infinite? Want that nice piece of armor? Cough up $20. Missed it? Better hope it comes back sometime, otherwise you’re SoL