There hasn’t been a lot of good news out of EA lately, but here’s some: the company just launched a bunch of classic games on Steam. The new (old) releases include nine games in total, spanning franchises like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and SimCity.

Here’s the full list:

Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection

SimCity 3000 Unlimited


Populous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods

Populous: The Beginning

Dungeon Keeper Gold

Dungeon Keeper 2

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri Planetary Pack

The Saboteur

  • @resetbypeer
    241 year ago

    Looks like somebody is in need of cash 😂. But to be fair, these games were back in the day mighty good. It’s really a shame to see how both greed and ever growing ambitious killed creativity.

    • FenrirIII
      111 year ago

      I own all of C&C on Origin, but I’d rather get a root canal without anesthetic than use their launcher. I paid Steam $10 instead.

      • @kautau
        1 year ago

        Don’t you still need the EA launcher through steam though? I don’t want to buy the ultimate collection again if that’s the case

        EDIT: I can confirm I just launched RA2 without the launcher after buying through steam. Halleluiah