That was one of the more interesting SOTU addresses I’ve seen. Personally, I think he said most of the things that needed to be said, and he said them reasonably well. I’m sure he’s going to get some flack for attacking Trump directly (though not by name), but I was frankly glad to see it. Doing otherwise makes it seem like it’s just your typical election/political disagreements, but we’re past that now.

  • @pjwestin
    1 year ago

    God, comments like this are so embarrassing. If you want to dismiss everyone critical of the Democrats as a troll, fine, but you honestly think that Lemmy is being infiltrated by foriegn agitators sewing discord? They could be using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, or YouTube, but they’re wasting their efforts on a site that just hit 50,000 daily active users? You would honestly rather believe that a percentage of these people are foreign agents rather than people who just don’t agree with you?

    Foreign election interference is a real, serious threat to our democracy and you’re not helping to fight it by accusing every online rando of being in league with Russia or China. You’re doing to election interference what Qanon did to child trafficking; you’re making it look ridiculous to serious people.

    • @Bobmighty
      101 year ago

      Plenty of people disagree honestly and in good faith. Plenty of people pretend to disagree while using inflammatory language meant to spur reactions, commonly referred to as trolling. It’s also quite easy for small teams and bot nets to spread to basically anywhere people gather online in order to sow anger and division to further their ends. To pretend otherwise is extremely disingenuous.

      • @pjwestin
        -21 year ago

        And to pretend that is happening here with zero evidence is silly. Have you ever clicked into a comment and seen something that look falsified, like a copy-paste comment from a user, or repeating phrases from multiple users? Cause I’ve only ever seen socialists and communists complaining about Democrats, and liberals calling them, “tankies,” in return. Telling a small community on a small website to watch out for foreign actors because a small minority of comments are critical of Joe Biden is some McCarthy-esque nonsense.