Honestly it’s so nice. I ended up buying lastname.tld so now I will always have [email protected] even if I change provider because I can just point the domain to whatever provider I like.
Back in the day, I grabbed the three letter acronym dot com for my company. We weren’t internet connected, just uucp but I knew that it wouldn’t be available for ever and it seemed like this internet thing might take off.
Honestly it’s so nice. I ended up buying lastname.tld so now I will always have [email protected] even if I change provider because I can just point the domain to whatever provider I like.
I envy all of you who have uncommon last names.
unfortunately just firstname-lastname.tld for me but still a very elegant solution
It’s the one time where I am glad to have a slightly unusual name.
Back in the day, I grabbed the three letter acronym dot com for my company. We weren’t internet connected, just uucp but I knew that it wouldn’t be available for ever and it seemed like this internet thing might take off.