…which all press freedom and civil liberties group say is the greavest threat to press freedoms in the West.

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
    7 months ago

    edit: wording

    Independent journalists are vitial to learn the truth of what our gov’ts are up to, instead of the same old same old status quo legacy media talking points.

    It is okay to listen to people you don’t 100% agree with, that is how we learn and are exposed to diverse ideas outside of our own circles.

    Please reply with people you listen to and follow, so that I may also check them out and not be in a bubble!

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      I agree! I just don’t particularly find Greenwald to be someone whose reporting I find reliable any longer.

      As for who I listen to, I do make an effort to read widely. I like GroundNews, which deliberately shows you how often an article is being shared on right and left leaning sites, so it’s a nice way of seeing which stories might not be showing up in your usual bubble.

      I do follow more mainstream sources too, like the Washington Post and Politico - I particularly like E&E News for climate, environment, and energy news. Vox and Grist are definitely a bit more left leaning, but I think they both have pretty good environmental news too.

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
        07 months ago

        Yes, GroundNews seems to be another media bias curator of legacy media leanings.

        Vox and Grist, I do know of, but E&E News is new to me.

        Thank you, they have been added to my media following!

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Of course! I also like PV Magazine and CleanTechnica

          What about you? What outlets and sources do you like?