…which all press freedom and civil liberties group say is the greavest threat to press freedoms in the West.

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    I agree! I just don’t particularly find Greenwald to be someone whose reporting I find reliable any longer.

    As for who I listen to, I do make an effort to read widely. I like GroundNews, which deliberately shows you how often an article is being shared on right and left leaning sites, so it’s a nice way of seeing which stories might not be showing up in your usual bubble.

    I do follow more mainstream sources too, like the Washington Post and Politico - I particularly like E&E News for climate, environment, and energy news. Vox and Grist are definitely a bit more left leaning, but I think they both have pretty good environmental news too.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      07 months ago

      Yes, GroundNews seems to be another media bias curator of legacy media leanings.

      Vox and Grist, I do know of, but E&E News is new to me.

      Thank you, they have been added to my media following!

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Of course! I also like PV Magazine and CleanTechnica

        What about you? What outlets and sources do you like?