Progress to prevent female genital mutilation needs to be ‘27 times faster’, says UN

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  • @TrickDacy
    121 year ago

    I totally didn’t predict this wildly bizarre comment’s existence here or anything

    • @Nudding
      101 year ago

      It’s very predictable, because nobody is doing anything to address the problem. I’ve been making the same comment for years lol. I’ll make it again next year, I’m sure, when I remember that the US is as bad as African countries in terms of genital mutilation.

      Im sorry you think it’s bizarre to compare different types of genital mutilation. That cereal magnate really fucked you guys up.

      • @TrickDacy
        131 year ago

        Yeah every time FGM comes up some weirdo tries to redirect the conversation to circumcision (and completely away from FGM, all lives matter style) as if it’s comparable which it obviously isn’t. Good to know about you

          • @TrickDacy
            -31 year ago

            True but that’s not what these men’s rights people are saying

            • @Nudding
              31 year ago

              Are you talking about me? A singular person? I’m not part of the men’s rights movement. I’m an egalitarian.

        • @Nudding
          51 year ago

          Me personally, I think they’re both bad. One is happening in my backyard and nobody is batting an eye. We all agree FGM in Africa is bad, yeah? Okay let’s try and convince the Americans that cutting part of a dick off is pretty fucked up too.

          They are definitely, 100% comparable though, did you see how I did it in my comment? The world didn’t end.

          • @TrickDacy
            01 year ago

            Comparable in the same way that because I was circumcised, sex is completely unpleasant for me. /s

            Oh wait, I’m circumcised and the only impact it has had is that women have thought my dick wasn’t particularly weird. And yeah I’m not saying it’s weird not to do it, it’s just a perception I’m aware of. Women who have FGM done to them have an awful awful time that I will never know the first thing about personally, so I find it pretty shitty that people pretend it’s the same or even fucking similar because it isn’t, at alllll

            • @Nudding
              61 year ago

              Taking a knife to a baby so that they can less easily masterbate when they’re an adolescent is actually pretty similar to taking to a knife to a baby so that they will experience less sexual stimulation when they grow up.

              I’m sorry that one has been made socially acceptable in your country. I’m sorry you lost your hood, bro :(

              You think your take might be a little biased?

              • @TrickDacy
                -21 year ago

                Yeah I’m biased because I’ve had literally zero trouble. But that’s beside the point. Not comparable. Saying they are doesn’t make it so

                • @Nudding
                  41 year ago

                  That’s your opinion. Welcome to having one.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  It doesn’t matter if you like having a cut dick or not. That isn’t what is being discussed. The issue isn’t circumcision itself it’s that people are cutting the foreskin of children without their consent. I don’t give a shit if anyone does it once they are 18.

                  And the fact that some of the women you meet liked that is especially irrelevant because it only applies to countries where they like to alter the genitals of children for appearance and anti masturbatory reasons. The opposite would apply everywhere else.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    -21 year ago

                    No what was being discussed was FGM. The troll weirdo hijacked that, please stop participating in that, it’s pathetically shitty