I’ve been doing some reading on India’s plans to do massive development projects to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This will involve destruction of large parts of the currently forested lands, displacing both animals and local people to try to create a massive shipping port to rival Hong Kong.

There are supposed to be conservation efforts as part of the projects, but locals have claimed they have not had any involvement, when they are the ones familiar with numerous species found only on these islands.

If you would like to familiarize yourself with this story, here are some resources to get you started.

Wikipedia: Great Nicobar Island Development Project

Massive infrastructure project threatens Great Nicobar Island

Misguided Mega-Projects Threaten to Devastate the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

I will share with you the native owls if this island chain, as well as some other endangered birds of note.

  • Optional
    37 months ago

    It’s unfortunate we haven’t learned to live more with nature instead of always trying to overcome it.

    I think for some of us, “we” are perfectly welcoming to living with nature. But Big Money wants more money. And Big Corporate Media is a subsidiary of Big Money. Thus, the world we see in front of us. That’s my $0.02 take. Happy Solutions include: making big money through: renewable energy, sustainable housing, improved cities and eco-tourism. Less happy solutions also exist.

    • anon6789OP
      17 months ago

      It’s good there are numerous individual opportunities for people, but it’d be nice to see broader societal movements that make a massive impact, like on the scale when whole cities were jacked screwed up to add sewers.

      It doesn’t feel like humans as a species have felt enough of a pinch yet to have woken up from our daydream of limitless growth though.

      Until then, I am glad for the people that do realize we can make thoughtful choices without them needing to be sacrifices just yet. I assume we’re all thoughtful of nature in this group though, do I try to be mindful of preaching to the choir.