• @dumpsterlid
    7 months ago

    Obviously the biggest aspect of Biden’s legacy will be aiding and abetting the Palestinian genocide, but also I think Biden will be remembered, along with the rest of centrist democrats, for completely accepting the narrative framing conservatives/republicans have about immigration as true and then attempting to out flank conservatives on the right on the issue.

    Not only is it a massive blunder in terms of longterm strategy, it doesn’t work in the short term either since centrists and conservatives/republicans will categorically never see democrats as “tough on immigration” no matter how draconian and cruel their immigration policies are.

    Biden’s strategy here is extremely hurtful, is an abject failure at addressing political and practical challenges around immigration and it leaves progressives feeling like Biden aggressively does not want their vote.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      27 months ago

      Great assessment and spot on. It’s great to see those downvoting are still in denial about the costs of any blue will do as a strategy, but this is one of them.

      Centrism and bipartisanship have cost the Democrats their ability govern. Democrats have only themselves to blame for effectively abandoning and disenfranchising the only good thing they had going for them u. the progressive movement Bernie was able to build, and then bring to the Democratic party. The Democrats could have built a political empire from what Bernie started, but their neurotic corporatism is too precious for them to even consider policies that will actually help people’s day to day lives. Sure, will get a nice lip servicing in the primaries, sometimes, but when it comes to policy, their answer is basically “Fuck you. Vote for us”. What was it that Bush jr. said? Fool me once, fool me three times, can’t fool me again?

      The greater fool is the one who continues to support the Democratic establishment beyond this point. Strategic voting, yeah sure, but it won’t matter without the volunteer base and donor base, which is almost exclusively leftist and progressive for the Democrats. Without that particularly engaged base, the Democrats are a rightwing party of geriatrics.

      It’s over for the Democrats. They might win this election but probably not. I don’t think they’ll be able to win nationally because of these strategies.