Perchance Saving Bugs

There were a few instances where in the editor ended up failing to “save”, but the generator saving process still succeeded and is still recorded in the revisions.

I was editing my generator hub page that day and saved it by clicking on the save button and then it errors after a classic 20 seconds…

I decided to check the DevTools network and it shows all the details behind that saving process, and things look suspicious, until the revisions told me wrong.


  • BluePowerOP
    7 months ago

    @VioneT “By ‘failing’ to save, the button didn’t resolve to the disabled ‘saved’ button state, but it added a revision?”

    Yes, either the save button displays the “error” or stay in the “save” as it’s not saved.

    • VioneTM
      07 months ago

      I would think that if an error occurred on saving, the save request might just ‘save’ the previous version that it has as a fallback to prevent issues.

      • BluePowerOP
        7 months ago

        @VioneT That might be the case, what could go wrong? 😆

        As of what I can say, the new “save-after-reload” behavior is still a bit janky, considering that before it was implemented, the generator straight up saves but then the preview don’t display the saved content in case auto-update mode isn’t activated (except when the generator is created for the first time).