Finished Lichtspeer: Double Speer Edition, last couple of levels were pretty tough, needing very twitchy reflexes, but finally beat it!

Octopath Traveller is still not available to buy… so,

Bought and started Axiom Verge, the game is an obvious love letter to Metroid / Super Metroid, but it’s not a straight copy, the powers, weapons and level designs are it’s own, with many QoL updates and way more accessible for modern audience.

For instance there is a save point near every boss (don’t remember if Metroid had those), and if you die, you don’t lose any progress since last save, instead you go back to save location but keep all the progress.

No wonder the game is loved so much.

What about all of you? What have you been playing lately?

  • @slimerancherOPM
    11 year ago

    Hmm… I’ll look for proper review but a paid game shouldn’t have microtransactions.

    • FlashMobOfOne
      1 year ago

      Agreed. Personally I don’t feel cheated because some stuff is behind a paywall, but I am with you.