Just started playing around with sunflower leaves, and I’m really liking the flavor they add to stuff, and am looking for other ideas I have not thought of as of yet.

What I have planned to try at some later date.

  • Either boiling noodles with a few leaves, or boiling some leaves and concentrating the mix down to add to the noodles during the making.
  • Making a tea with fresh peppermint and/or hyssop.
    • Update: Just made a peppermint and sunflower leaf tea…Not too bad. I’d give this about a 6:10 in taste (but then , I do have odd tastes, heh. Plus am getting older so senses have dulled a bit, meh, I’d drink it again).

Hmm! Another thought crossed my mind, I wonder about using some tender shoots (stems) in place of asparagus. Don’t have enough growing this year, but the 7 foot tall hybrids I’ve got growing are producing a large number of offshoots. So if I keep the seeds to plant next year, I could easily have an abundance. Meh, just a thought, and I’m definitely curious enough to try it, heh heh heh.

2nd attempt to create a post…O_o.

  • @marcar
    12 years ago

    Interesting, what does it taste like? Does it compare to anything?

    • @ChamelAjvalelOP
      12 years ago

      I’d say it doesn’t exactly equate to anything I’ve tried before, in one way, the green flavor. It isn’t strong, and rather light. The other flavor, on the other hand, reminds me of a faint sunflower seed nuttiness. Though, I did use younger leaves, and no older leaves nor stems as of yet…🤔 I’ll have to try a few more things. Might be interesting with rhubarb and in coffee, too.