As you all know or may not know,
Nintendo has taken down Yuzu,
see following post for more info on that:

Now it’s important to preserve the code base of Yuzu,
so hopefully someday, once things cooled down a little,
an active fork can stick it’s head up.

After looking at the Azure DevOps Pipelines
of yuzu-emu/yuzu,
I noticed the latest pipeline ran 8 hours ago
as of writing this post:

Which tells us that the latest commit,
was a merge of PR #13198 from

This fork,
is the most up-to-date one / contains the latest commit
done to Yuzu before the take down:

I encourage you all to pull, star and fork this fork,
not only the master branch, but all branches!
The more copies floating out there,
the better the project will be preserved.

You can pull the code base to your local machine, with:

git clone


And you can pull in all the branches,
as described in this Github Gist:

  • kaputter Aimbot
    17 months ago

    – A wild Codeberg appeared. –

    Codeberg is a collaboration platform providing Git hosting and services for free and open source software, content and projects.


    The organization selected the European Union for their headquarters and computer infrastructure, due to members’ concerns that a software project repository hosted in the United States could be removed if a malicious actor made bad faith copyright claims under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

    Wikipedia: Codeberg e.V.

    In June 2022 the Software Freedom Conservancy’s “Give Up Github” campaign (in response to the GitHub Copilot licensing controversy) promoted Codeberg as an alternative to GitHub.

    Conservancy: Give Up GitHub!