I understand that a user on any instance can subscribe to any community in the fediverse, but I have been a bit confused when searching for communities to join. Sometimes there are communities on different instances, with the exact same name.

  • Do these communities talk to each other at all, or are they completely separate, with a different host, posts, mods, subscribers etc.

  • Should I just join the largest (and presumably, most active) one?

  • Is there anything in place to discourage communities of same name, but different instances, from “competing”?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Honestly, if someone declares the fediverse as “too confusing”, I don’t care too much to interact with them.

    The concept of “same name but hosted on different instances” is really not that hard. Sure you might be confused at first, but it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to clear up and then you’ll never have to think about again.

      • Reclipse
        1 year ago

        You don’t have to be tech-literate.Problem is people are expecting Lemmy to behave exactly like Reddit. You have instances and then you have communities.

      • @julesiecoolsie
        11 year ago

        I expect all drivers on the road to know how to drive. I expect every cook at a restaurant to know how to cook. I expect every person on the internet to know how to cook a quesadilla. It’s just logic

      • @PlutoniumAcid
        11 year ago

        I agree. The sad fact is that most non-IT-pros use Facebook, what’s app and Instagram, mayyyybe reddit.

        The fediverse is by (and for) und people who care about these things. And we understand how it works.