• teft
    37 months ago

    I just wanted to say i really like your writing style.

    • @niktemadur
      7 months ago

      Thank you! It’s always nice to be recognized in one’s own lifetime

      The fact of the matter is that writing is just so much fun for me, maybe because I don’t do it professionally, just here bouncing from topic to topic, free as a bird.
      I wake up, take CBD, stretch and meditate for nearly an hour, then sit to browse Lemmy and sometimes write (depending on the mood and coming across a topic that pops), with my iced latte and music, the cats wandering in and out of the room.

      Sometimes the mood leans more towards bombarding family or friends with text message threads on random topics.
      Some days I’ll skip all that and instead watch science videos on YouTube, particularly physics and cosmology (PBS Space Time to name one, but there are just so many excellent science channels), currently I’m also wading into math videos (Numberphile, Mathologer), just for the heck of it, to see if I can get a grasp on such abstract subjects.
      But I never, ever watch any news, shows nor movies, at least not this early in the morning.

      Writing for a boss and on a deadline - let’s call it as a caged bird - would probably suck most of the joy out of it, and I don’t intend to find out… not yet, anyway.