This last weekend, my friend encouraged me to try learning puppy dog eyeliner since he thought it complemented my eye shape. I’d never used liquid liner before, and wow, it is tough to master lol.

Trying to achieve this look quickly became my Dark Souls; get off work, sit at vanity, get ass metaphorically kicked SO hard, wipe off, repeat.

Last night I finally got something mostly symmetrical and clean, and I’m really happy with it! Feeline quite pleased overall. Just wanted to share!

  • ALQ
    51 year ago

    I dunno what puppy dog eyeliner is (I’m guessing slightly down-turned, as opposed to upturned cat eyeline), but your liner looks great! Your efforts really paid off and I agree with your friend - the style looks great on you. :)

    • KrrygonOP
      21 year ago

      Thank you! I like it a lot, hopefully it will keep getting easier to do with time

      • ALQ
        31 year ago

        Girl, if you figure out the secret to making it easy - please share. I’ve been trying to do my eyeliner for 20 years and still feel like a monkey playing with crayons. 😩 Then I see all these makeup influencers doing it effortlessly and I just don’t get it haha