• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    When people ring your bell to annoy you about religion, reply by trying to converting them into atheism or another religion (satanism included)

    • @chetradley
      1211 months ago

      Maybe not the best idea. According to the article, using this app they can leave notes about you for other members to see. Talking about satanism would probably flag you for even more harassment.

      • @[email protected]
        1011 months ago

        Hmm I would not know that they are using an app. Anyway I don’t think we should make any concessions or be scared of those people and adapt to them.

        Noone has the right of making you swallow their religious views.

    • youmaynotknow
      911 months ago

      I do that all the time. I don’t care if you’re a christian, Muslim, Jehovah’s witness or whatever else, if you come to my house uninvited to tell me why I should follow any religion, be ready for a heated debate on why that’s not your place, I dont care what your leaders have made you believe. Its one thing to talk about Christ to tell anyone about Him, and then drop it and move on to a civil interaction, its an entirely different thing to splat your believes on people’s faces and telling people they will go to hell if they don’tdo what you tell them. We have friends of all religions and lack of religion, and we have never attempted to change them. They know what we believe in, we know what they believe in, and none of that makes any difference. I’m glad I dont live in the US, nothing more disgusting than mixing faith with politics.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      I just let my dog help me answer the door.

      He’s a big boy and very talkative. The proselytizers can’t get a word in…