Not that anyone should be surprised, but the TERF Supreme now agrees with nazis.

  • @xantoxis
    143 months ago

    People truly guided by their conscience never get this rich, because it’s offensive to be this rich without using that money and influence to help someone else.

    • @Ross_audio
      143 months ago

      This is what’s really sad.

      She’s gone from poor, to rich, to the first author to become a billionaire. To giving away so much money she dropped off the billionaire list.

      To saying shit things on social media then doubling down over and over and becoming a hateful person.

      Even during the writing of the Harry Potter books you can see her ego grow, the influence of editors diminish, and the writing get worse.

      At some point she closed down and stopped listening to other people. So what she thinks just gets amplified as it bounces around her mind as she agrees with herself.

      Lots of people her ages probably had similar opinions. But what condemns her is the fossilisation of her opinions. As society changes and more of the reality of who the people she condemns comes to light. Her opinions fall further out of step with those who aren’t fossilised in ignorance.

    • Norah - She/They
      33 months ago

      Eh I think that’s just letting her off because she’s a billionaire, when really she’s just a shit person. Taylor Swift donates a lot of her fortune, and in general seems to be a good person. She donated a casual $200k to my cities food bank when she visited recently, and apparently shes been doing that in every city on her tour. Her music has never been subtlety (or not so subtlety) racist either as far as I’m aware.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Taylor Swift seems like a far better person than most billionaires, but the existence of billionaires itself is a moral failing, IMHO. I agree with xantoxis, if you’re truly doing everything you can to help others, it’s impossible to become a billionaire, because you’d never hoard that much resources when they can do so much good for so many others.

        Look at someone like Dolly Parton, who would be a billionaire if she didn’t give away so much money. She’s doing it right.

        Of course, Rowling, in addition to being a billionaire, is also a cruel, hateful creature, where Taylor is not AFAIK.

        • Norah - She/They
          33 months ago

          I agree with you 110% but I genuinely think Taylor is trying really hard to be like Dolly. I looked it up after the donation here and she’s been doing a lot of donating her wealth the last few years. To the point where she’s worth just (I know it’s still an obscene amount) $1.1B whereas Dolly is worth about $650M. I think she’s just had more time than Taylor to donate her fortune. Taylor could have gotten a book from the Imagination Library when she was a kid.