Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said policy differences toward Israel between her and President Biden won’t stop her from supporting him in the November general election.

“Of course,” Omar said Tuesday, when asked by CNN’s Abby Phillip on “NewsNight” whether she would vote for Biden if the election were held that day, in a clip highlighted by Mediaite. “Democracy is on the line, we are facing down fascism.”

“And I personally know what my life felt like having Trump as the president of this country, and I know what it felt like for my constituents, and for people around this country and around the world,” Omar continued. “We have to do everything that we can to make sure that does not happen to our country again.”

  • @Carrolade
    311 months ago

    Sure, and I do think fixing those underlying issues is very important. But once attacked, it’s bombing time, not reflection time. Then, how do you fight an organization that tries to hide its tracks? There’s practical requirements. That doesn’t make it fascism.

    The GWOT was not Vietnam, we were attacked. People were warmongering hard, and so the government responded.

      -211 months ago

      >But once attacked, it’s bombing time, not reflection time.

      please seek help.

      • @Carrolade
        311 months ago

        So, let’s re-condense again.

        Sorry, but to do otherwise is actually pacifism. When attacked and thousands die, you find and kill the attackers. I think that’s not fascism. It’s a far cry from the system Mussolini invented.

          • @Carrolade
            311 months ago

            Okay, what would you say the difference is?

            • HACKthePRISONS
              -211 months ago

              passivism is a policy of never attacking. I’m not advocating for that. I’m saying the US is fascist and it’s military adventurism in the Middle East was not justified. in fact it was our military venturism in the Middle East that caused the 9/11 attack. The response should not have been to attack, it should have been to fix the problems, at least some of which included our bloated military and our abusive financial system. instead we inflated the military more and made the financial system even more abusive and incorporated it into a surveillance state.

              • @Carrolade
                311 months ago

                I agree that the underlying problem of the military-industrial complex was a causative element. But the previous war to that, of defending Kuwait in Desert Storm, was a defensive war. That was a UN force composed of dozens of countries, hosted by Saudi Arabia, not simple adventurism. The Kuwaitis asked for help.

                  • @Carrolade
                    311 months ago

                    They won though, they defeated the Soviets and kicked them out. With some of our help. Why attack us for that?

                • HACKthePRISONS
                  -211 months ago

                  that doesn’t make the us any less fascist, it only means that they did something that also benefited other countries. it also bolstered their own military profile, which certainly serves to preserve the power of the state.

                  • @Carrolade
                    311 months ago

                    I don’t disagree that it strengthened the state, and the MIC. I just disagree that there’s somehow no distinction between these things and fascism. Not all states using their militaries are automatically fascist or something, it takes more than that.