Lame sauce. Can our elected officials just freaking decriminalize weed instead of worrying about dumb crap like this?

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    No, I’m complaining about assholes who don’t live in red states blaming the victims of republican governance. There has been a systematic disenfranchisement of vast swaths of the American electorate. Telling the victims of that that we just need to vote harder is asinine.

    What we need is solidarity from outside, not sniveling bullshit advice.

    Edit: also, fuck off. I live maybe the hardest life of anyone I know. Taking care of my extremely ill, bed bound wife for ten years. I still make it to every fucking election and my wife still votes, even though it causes her unbelievable pain. But even with all our motivation I can’t throw off the yoke of my oppressor because voting in a rigged system is fucked. It is so fucking infuriating to listen to people like you condescend.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          So? You’re not going to convince me it’s not possible.

          I also wasn’t too lazy to find a way to leave the state while living out of my car. Because I was sick of the older Republicans and the lazy apathetic youth with a million excuses about why they couldn’t fight for their rights.

          You are the victim of your own laziness and blame others for taking action because it disproves your can’t do anything attitude.

          Go tell more Texans to give up on voting. Yall chose this shit.

          I’m not going to chat with the person of a million lazy excuses about why they are not responsible for their own ability to vote.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            So instead of voting, you took the lazy way out and went running with your tail between your legs. Just another “lazy youth with a million excuses about why you couldn’t fight for your rights.”

            You come in here acting like a fool when you did the exact same shit that you’re accusing people of, and you wonder why you get met with hostility? Maybe take a step back and look in the mirror before you mouth off. Because I dunno if you smoke pot, but you sure look like one in here.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Nah, I just hate that holier-than-thou attitude that you got because you and I are lucky enough to live in places where we don’t have to deal with the crazy bullshit places like Texas heap on top of the normal crazy bullshit like not making voting days holidays and closing the polling places before people get out of work. You’re blaming them for being too lazy to vote when you yourself skipped outta town instead of voting. Would’ve mistaken you for a Trumper if we weren’t literally talking about how awful they are, with the way you make assumptions about people.

                That attitude ain’t gonna get those asses out of office any faster. It’s just gonna make sure that when the jackboots come for you, no one will have your back.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Lmao, I’m not the one stuck in the fascist shithole state. I get to enjoy watching them lose pornhub, abortions, and soon to be contraceptives, because they insist on voting for fascist trash.

                  Try not to take a highway while pregnant and leaving the state, a miscarriage can become a murder lol.

                  Feel free to keep crying in response. I’m just going to keep trash talking the shit these people put up with while insisting they have to sit on their asses instead of vote.

                  The only way to motivate the lazy, hateful people of Texas. Give them something to hate.

                  • @[email protected]
                    17 months ago

                    I was hopeful that you might see the hypocrisy of what you’re doing and stop making a fool of yourself, but I don’t care what you do. I have no skin in this game, and you’re a free person, you can make your own choices like a big boy. And you’ve shown that you’re just another Republican anyways. All too happy to see pregnant women die and victim-blame because it doesn’t directly affect you, and ignoring any information that doesn’t fit your narrative.

                    Don’t worry, the leopards are coming for your face, too. Texas ain’t some other country, what happens there affects you too. I’m sure the Democrats of Texas will be all too happy to motivate you to go vote when the fascists are knocking on your door. Gotta give you something to hate, or you’ll just keep making excuses.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            So now I’m too lazy to leave my home? Read a couple posts up asshole. My wife is completely bed bound. We can’t even leave the house. Have some goddamned humility for once.

            Most people in red states are being abused by our governments. It isn’t our fault and assholes like you who think that are bad people.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Yes, it is your fault you can’t find a way to vote. And you are participating in voter suppression as an active advocate.

              You are half the problem with Texas.

              Also, I have chronic pain and chronic headaches. I guess that makes all your asshole comments fucked up suddenly?

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Hey asshole, I said that me and my wife vote every election even though it causes her immense pain.

                  • @[email protected]
                    17 months ago

                    Jesus, and I thought you were just an ass. Here you are making fun of a woman with chronic pain who does the exact thing you’re calling people losers and lazy for not doing. What a scumbag.

                    I bet you think the dead kids in Gaza deserved it for not voting hard enough or just leaving, too.