This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what’s actually going on.

    • mozzOP
      511 months ago

      No particular opinion about it you want to share?

      I would think as a person with opinions so strong about geopolitics and America’s role in the world, that you’d be okay with enabling Hitler 2.0 to come to power in your own country because of them… you’d have some kind of opinion on it, even if it wasn’t directly relatable to any current election going on just right at this moment.

      Just one of those little mysteries, I guess.

      • HACKthePRISONS
        -511 months ago

        >No particular opinion about it you want to share?

        no. this is a red herring, and doesn’t explain what you meant at all.

        • mozzOP
          511 months ago

          Wait, have I misunderstood? Who are you planning to vote for / do you think people should vote for in the general election in November?

          • HACKthePRISONS
            -511 months ago

            >Who are you planning to vote for

            frankly i havent decided yet

            i’ve been giving money to cornel west, but jill stein said the greens could hit 5% this year

            • mozzOP
              11 months ago

              Ah. So somehow we’ve meandered our way back around from Central and South America to “Voting is a waste of time; I as a good left-wing person am going to vote third party and here’s why.”

              Welp, now that we’ve had that blistering rebuttal to what I was saying about how the shills operate, I have to get on with my day. All the best, love and kisses.

              • HACKthePRISONS
                -411 months ago

                >Ah. So somehow we’ve meandered our way back around from Central and South America

                you mean i didn’t take teh bait on your nonsequitur

                • mozzOP
                  11 months ago

                  In what way is asking what you believe on a topic most geopolitically-interested left wing people have pretty strong opinions on, “bait”?

                  Edit: You know what, don’t feel like you have to answer that; I don’t want to continue the back and forth and I feel like the exchange so far pretty much speaks for itself.

                  • HACKthePRISONS
                    -211 months ago

                    it was a nonsequitur that would have led us away from you answering the question, which you still haven’t done (and, frankly, i never expected you to do)