I am very interested in 3D printing and I want to get into it. What would be a good printer for a beginner that is also of reasonable quality.

I don’t want to make anything huge but I don’t want to limit myself to any size that’s unreasonably small.

Edit: Wow, you guys were all so helpful. While I haven’t made my decision I have a lot more to go off of, I’m gonna do a bit more research into it based on what you have all said.

  • @whynotzoidberg
    1 year ago

    You rock. But don’t think you’re talking me out of an MK4, either. ;-)

    Edit: For anyone finding this, and considering the MicroSwiss lever kit for their Creator Pro: STOP.

    It’s /NOT/ a good solution based on many reviews (b/c single screw is used for tension and pivot mechanism, and the top plate is too tall / obstructs filament).