I was tricked by a phone-phisher pretending to be from my bank, and he convinced me to hand over my credit-card number, then did $8,000+ worth of fraud with it before I figured out what happened.

  • gian
    11 year ago

    I think this is true in most of the EU banks.

    • @nivenkos
      11 year ago

      Spain and the UK have no real digital ID (Spain has some horrible Java certificate based system, but you can’t use it for much). I think Germany’s digital ID is in a similar position too although it’s been many years since I lived there now.

      The UK is in the same position as the US with no national ID or residence registration at all.

      Only the Netherlands, Finland and Scandinavia really have it sorted out for banking and government services.

      • gian
        11 year ago

        Wait, I was talking about the fact that most EU bank (if not all) need to have a two factor authentication system in place, which limit a lot what a scammer can do.
        In this case I think that a scam like this would not be possible or at least it would be stopped in the moment the bank app would ask to confirm what I am supposedly doing.

        A national digital ID system is nice (in Italy we have the SPID), but it does not limit anything if you really can do everything with just the credid card number.