• @CoffeeJunkie
    21 year ago

    Others did a great job with their points; for brevity’s sake, I’ll only cover what I experienced & was not said: lots of hate, judgment, belittling, and generally speaking “weird shit” that one couldn’t get away with if engaging with people of high value, worth outside of church.

    To subject yourself to church is to subject yourself to all, to become subservient. Specifically Judeo-Christianity is the religion of slaves. The ones who behave are good little bitches who get walked all over by the others, they’re also held to higher standards because “they know better”, “strong Christians”, whatever praise or wording to encourage compliance. The ones who misbehave, are arrogant/mean, or seek to seize power & influence over the other members. If they’re called out for not being Christian-like, oh well, they “made a mistake”, “we’re all human”, “they don’t know better”, “only God can judge”, every excuse in the book to overlook their (repeated!) bad behavior. Now as a 28 y/o lifelong Christian…how can I have a relatively good grasp on being a good person & a 50+ y/o lifelong Christian be a domineering, gossiping piece of shit?? Explain that to me. Because yes, everyone makes mistakes, but a lifestyle comprised of mistakes & being a bad person isn’t very impressive to me. I was treated with more respect by complete strangers than I ever was at my church. I was consistently treated as sub-human, I was always subject to the highest levels of scrutiny, contempt, and scorn. That’s pretty messed up.

    Now that I’m gone, if they want so badly to criticize some piece of shit, I guess they can look in the closest mirror. There’s lots of material to work with.