They encourage all worshipers to understand how to stop the bleeding if someone is shot or stabbed.

  • @swallowyourmind
    911 months ago

    Houses of worship with security make me chuckle.

    “Look, we don’t really believe.”

    The premise of their organizations is assurity in God’s plan for their lives and an afterlife.

    If someone comes in and kills them the worst that happens is a beeline to heaven, according to their supposed beliefs.

    Security (or emergency medical care, in this instance) only delays when they get to reach the place they claim they want to go, and insinuates they aren’t true believers.

    Funny stuff.

    • @Fredselfish
      511 months ago

      I argue this point a lot when I was younger and a “believer”. They always seem to take more precautions against death then the average person.

      I once told a Christian that was so goddammit precaution that they shouldn’t look both ways when crossing a street. After all you go straight to heaven want you?

      Most Christian I met fear death more than anyone you met. Even ones that swear they are true believers. I’m talking speaking tongues etc fear dying. I think deep down they all had doubts.

      I think it human nature to want proof of things and with god there is none. Hence deep down they fear death. Or they fear hell because they all know they are not good Christians and deserve hell.

    • @LemmyKnowsBest
      311 months ago

      Okay but if this article was about churches NOT teaching first aid after having been through several mass shootings, you would criticize them for that too.

    • Zloubida
      -211 months ago

      We believe God wants us free, alive and happy.

      • @RGB3x3
        611 months ago

        Except when the all-powerful, all-knowing God sends in, or allows, someone to walk into a church to murder you and everyone else there?

        • Zloubida
          -311 months ago

          What’s worse: a world where an all-powerful, all-knowing God lets us decide what we do, even if it’s crimes, or a world where every action one makes is decided by this all-powerful, all-knowing God?

          I choose freedom.

          • @[email protected]
            511 months ago

            If your god is all knowing and all powerful, he could have set the starting conditions of the world up so that no one would ever feel the need to commit murder without imposing on free will

            • Zloubida
              -111 months ago

              Could he? What could we know about things that could or couldn’t have been? We can’t have even the slightest idea of what the existing realities were before time and space, we just can’t judge God’s creative process. We only know what is, and what God asks us to do in our world, that is to defend and protect the victims of the Evil.

              • @HasturInYellow
                611 months ago

                But you don’t know what god wants from you. That’s the whole point. You are choosing to believe the words of some dudes in the desert 1700 years ago because they make you feel good. You don’t KNOW anything about God because it’s all speculation. Yes I know, that’s what faith is. But that’s not knowledge and to claim it as such is insulting. Every time I hear it.

                • Zloubida
                  -111 months ago

                  You’re right “know” is not the good word. I don’t know if the Bible is true or not, I don’t know if God exists or not. I generally don’t use this word in this context, but there it slipped, sorry for that.

                  But I did not chose to believe because it makes me feel good. To say that is far more insulting than what I said.

                  • @Nudding
                    111 months ago

                    Since when do we need to respect adults imaginary friends? Grow the fuck up.

              • @[email protected]
                11 months ago

                If he couldn’t, then he’s not all powerful is he

                And if god was asking people to behave morally and ethically, then people wouldn’t be doing so many terrible things in his name

                If he exists, then he’s doing a fucking awful job

                • Zloubida
                  -211 months ago

                  If he couldn’t, then he’s not all powerful is he

                  You’re making a judgment about something no human can comprehend. It’s your right of course, but doesn’t seem rational to me.

                  If he exists, then he’s doing a fucking awful job

                  Or he does a very good job giving us freedom.

                  • @Nudding
                    411 months ago

                    A baby is born with no skin and its heart on the outside of its body. You worship the being that does that. You worship the being that does that every day?

                  • @[email protected]
                    411 months ago

                    It is most gratifying to me that you feel like your imaginary sky wizard is a he, only a man could be such a colossal screw up. Thanks for bone cancer and parasitic worms, sky guy!