Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the federal government to move “as quickly as possible” to change the way it officially classifies marijuana, saying that “nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.”

“I cannot emphasize enough that they need to get to it as quickly as possible,” Harris said. “We need to have a resolution based on their findings and their assessment. This issue is stark when one considers the fact that on the schedule currently, marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin ― as dangerous as heroin ― and more dangerous than fentanyl, which is absurd, not to mention patently unfair.”

Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule 1 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration. That classification designates it one of the most dangerous drugs possible, with no medicinal uses. Other substances in the same category include heroin, ecstasy and LSD. Marijuana advocates have been pushing for years for the federal government to either reschedule marijuana to a different category or deschedule it entirely.

  • the post of tom joad
    -109 months ago

    Only difference between blue and red maga is the tone eh? Red maga sounds like a gleeful psychopath, blue sounds more like a business schooled middle-manager on a power trip but both of them prefer ad hominem and sneering.

    • @[email protected]
      -19 months ago

      Funny how tribalism do lol. Most people have no chance of defeating their baser instincts. But they can sure feel smug about it lol.