• @babyfarmer
    783 months ago

    Gonna nerd out here for a second.

    Magneto actually did pull Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton out once. And it was a massive heel turn after Magneto had been a “good guy” and worked with the X-Men for years.

    • @[email protected]
      373 months ago

      Holy Christ, can we get some spoilers on what happens after? He couldn’t possibly have survived that… right?

      • @Klear
        973 months ago

        There’s only one substance more powerful than adamantium in Marvel comics: popularity-induced plot armour.

      • @[email protected]
        533 months ago

        He didn’t even die there, if you can believe it. Though he is catatonic and carried home by Jean Grey. This is one of the few comic books I actually had.

        Immediately after this, Xavier gets pissed and completely mind-wipes Erik, something he promised he’d never do. This causes a part of his psyche to splinter off, eventually kidnap Franklin Richards, and merge with him to become Onslaught.

        Then an amnesiac, de-aged Magneto shows up to help the X-Men fight Onslaught.

        Comics are wild, man.

      • @Son_of_dad
        393 months ago

        The adimantium was actually poisoning him, and his healing factor was fighting it the whole time. So when he lost the metal he became ultra powerful and developed bone claws

        • modifier
          283 months ago

          Same exact thing happened to me except instead of adamantium it was my virginity and instead of becoming super-powerful I became a dad.

      • @Buddahriffic
        243 months ago

        He survived having molten adamantium injected onto his bones. I’d guess that this wouldn’t be as bad as that was.

        • @Zanshi
          113 months ago

          I think I read a comic where he is basically burnt alive in some kind of explosion and he goes through the regeneration process mentioning, I think, nerves are the worst to regenerate because it’s really painful

          • @Buddahriffic
            113 months ago

            Yeah, any of the questions of “who would win” when Logan is involved are hard to answer because he’s pretty much impossible to kill.

            Though there are some that could throw him into the sun. Maybe it would kill him, maybe it would trap him, maybe it would just give him new powers.

            • @Noodle07
              153 months ago

              Maybe it’s maybeline

            • @Gabu
              73 months ago

              Isn’t Logan actually susceptible to dying by beheading? AFAIK, only with Deadpool’s mutated cancer can his healing factor grow a whole new body.

              • @Buddahriffic
                93 months ago

                It probably depends on the writer who is currently writing him, but chat gpt thinks he would eventually recover from decapitation or attacks that destroy his brain. I can’t remember where I got this from, but my understanding is that as long as some of his cells survive, he will regenerate. Which could rule out the surviving the sun depending on whether he’d burn up faster than he can regenerate (and assuming no new powers affect this).

              • Altima NEO
                33 months ago

                It changes based on the comic book, from what Ive read. Theres comics where hes survived being beheaded and his body kept elsewhere.

          • Flying SquidOPM
            53 months ago

            Isn’t it really painful every time his claws emerge through his skin? I seem to remember that being established at some point.

      • @samus12345
        153 months ago

        Fortunately for him, his adamantium skeleton is unrelated to his healing factor.

      • 100_kg_90_de_belin
        123 months ago

        Logan burned out his healing factor to survive that (he was fine in the end, though), Xavier retaliated by wiping Magneto’s mind but in doing so he created Onslaught, a sentient psionic entity created from the darker parts of their consciousness (Xavier and Magneto’s)

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        As others mentioned, he definitely survived. But to add onto that, Deadpool got his healing factor from wolverine, and Deadpool’s whole shtick is that he’s virtually unkillable.

        In order to kill either one of them, you have to kill every single one of their cells. For Deadpool at a certain point, even that won’t work, because that happened. He died, then fell in love with the personification of death. That pissed off someone real powerful who then cursed Deadpool with immortality so he can never see his beloved again.

        • @ChonkyOwlbear
          33 months ago

          Deadpool’s healing factor was failing at one point and he got it jump-started with some of the Hulk’s blood so it became even stronger than before.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          In order to kill either one of them, you have to kill every single one of their cells

          Is Tomie inspired by Wolverine?

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                In a fair world we would have gotten a Lobo movie starring Lemmy Kilmister in the ‘90s or Rob Zombie in the ‘00s

      • VaultBoyNewVegas
        83 months ago

        I’ve read comics where wolverine has been dismembered in half and still lives through it.

        • @Noodle07
          83 months ago

          Split him in half and watch him reform two logans like mitosis

          • Unavailable user
            33 months ago

            No there is a thing called wolverine law (i think) which states in that scenario only one half of him grows

            • @Buddahriffic
              53 months ago

              And whichever half it is, it is PISSED.

              • Unavailable user
                33 months ago

                Yeah there is a thing called wolverine rage or something in which logan goes bonkers and starts killing fuckin everyone .

            • @ChonkyOwlbear
              13 months ago

              It has with Deadpool. Basically a zombie version of him made from sewn together discarded parts.