The museum created by the American Bible Society in July 2021 said it would be open to visitors until March 28. The Christian ministry nonprofit that translates Bibles and sends them around the world has recently been besieged with challenges including layoffs, funding troubles, and five CEO changes within two years.

  • @negativeyoda
    229 months ago

    Was anyone else hoping it was the Hobby Lobby funded one that bought fake antiquities?

    • @ArtVandelay
      149 months ago

      I was hoping it was that batshit insane creation museum in Kentucky run by equally batshit Ken “there were velociraptors and t-rexes on the ark” Hamm

      • @negativeyoda
        19 months ago

        Dude. If you take an edible and go there it’s probably a trip

    • Flying Squid
      29 months ago

      That’s exactly what I was hoping for. I’m sort of disappointed.