My lower res, lower DPI display from my old Dell laptop looks much more sharp and crisp than the fancy pants Framework 13 high res display.

  • @IsThisAnAI
    361 year ago

    This is what gets me every damn time I see some post saying Linux desktop isn’t a mess. Absurd shit like this.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      You see. If you have this exact hardware with this exact software it’s going to work flawlessly. Pinky promise.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Of course Linux desktops are slightly less reliable than the both less flexible and also commercially tested stacks of Apple and Microsoft.

      But that doesn’t mean that OP is right. They might be one of the luddites that religiously use some ancient tech stack based on X11 or so.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I mean MacOS has the reverse problem. They dropped support for sub pixel rendering once they switched to HDPI screens so now text looks blurry as fuck on all normal dpi monitors.

      Windows and some Linux distros are the only OSs that nicely handles resolution scaling across both high and low dpi screens.

      • @IsThisAnAI
        1 year ago

        Yeah but most customers buying a MacBook don’t give a shit about running 10 year old 1080p monitors. Linux users high s much higher chance of running old hardware.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          I mean, I do and I have to use a Macbook for work. There’s not much difference between 4k and 1080p at under 24", on top of the fact that I should be testing my software on 1080p screens and not just exclusively high res screens.

          Apple’s attitude towards technology as disposable and garbage the instant it ages is horrendous and has knock on effects for everyone.

          • @IsThisAnAI
            11 year ago

            Your personal preference aside Linux DE (in general) pisses off more of it’s users as a % over stuff like this than apple does. The general populations preferences don’t line up to the Linux community ethos or practices. This is an example of that.

              • @IsThisAnAI
                11 year ago

                Only if you are a nerd spiting yourself with an inferior desktop because Linux.

              • gregorum
                111 months ago

                Your failure to provide a reliable source for your claims is not my problem.

                If you cannot provide a reliable source of your claims, your claim will be dismissed.