• @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
    211 months ago

    Was it so late, friend, ere you went to bed
    That you do lie so late?

    Faith, sir, we were carousing till the second cock, and drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things.

    What three things does drink especially provoke?

    Marry, sir, nose-painting, sleep, and urine.
    Lechery, sir, it provokes and unprovokes. It provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.
    Therefore much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery. It makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him and disheartens him; makes him stand to and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep and, giving him the lie, leaves him.

    I believe drink gave thee the lie last night.

    • ComradeSharkfucker
      111 months ago

      Im really tired and read Macduff as Macbeth so for a second there i felt like i missed and integral part of the story