My lower res, lower DPI display from my old Dell laptop looks much more sharp and crisp than the fancy pants Framework 13 high res display.

  • @merthyr1831
    176 months ago

    hidpi is poggers but current AMD GPU drivers for newer hardware is NOT poggers

    • bitwolf
      16 months ago

      Yeah the 780m on Phoenix has been buggy AF.

      But the 7900xtx in my desktop has been working like a dream.

      • @merthyr1831
        26 months ago

        glad I’m not the only one suffering lmao. it’s such a good chip but the drivers are far more heavily than I’ve ever experienced on Nvidia

        • bitwolf
          6 months ago

          Unfortunately I understand AMDs side too. Shared memory access is hard in general. Unfortunately you have to depend on that for integrated gpus.

          Kernel 6.8, aside from the GPU issues, has been great on this platform so I do still believe the 7040’s will maintain the AMD tendency to age like fine wine.

          • @merthyr1831
            16 months ago

            It works so solid but there’s just a lot of jank right now. I spose some of it is that my old nvidia stuff was very old comparatively (1650ti mobile until recently, and before that I had a 1070ti on my desktop) so im definitely just experiencing the new hardware tax