WisDOT challenges Wisconsin to put safety first by taking the two most important actions to prevent or survive a crash. Accept the Buckle Up Phone Down challenge.

  1. Use your seat belt every trip and put down the phone when driving.

  2. Take the Buckle Up Phone Down pledge.

  3. Share your commitment by taking a “thumbs up/thumbs down” photo. Post it to social media using the hashtag #BuckleUpPhoneDown.

  • @JamesTBagg
    661 year ago

    Maybe riding a motorcycle has made me hypersensitive to it, but it seems, yes. I see all of you and so many of you are on your cell phones while driving. It’s bad enough I’ve learned to spot you from a hundred yards behind; the subtle drift of your car, checking your speed with the brake pedal, you aren’t smooth in stop & go traffic.
    It apparently is a challenge for a lot of you to stay off your phones, a-fucking-lot of you. So it looks like WisDOT is speaking to many of you like children, because many of your fellow drivers are acting like children, unable to prioritize operating their 3,000lbs+ machine safely over Instagram/tik tok/Twitter or whatever the fuck.

    • Evkob (they/them)
      1 year ago

      I’m also a motorcyclist (hold the motor) and my experience is very similar to yours.

      I almost got hit a few weeks back by a car driver trying to turn right on red whilst on a fucking Facetime call, with the phone held up right in front of their face. If I hadn’t been in a rush I would have let them have an earful.

      Like, please don’t ever use your phone while driving, but if you absolutely have to be a despicable human being, can you at least look away from the screen when navigating through intersections??

      • @Delphia
        131 year ago

        Even in a cradle the “phone brain” is real.

        I got a text and opened it, was a link to a YT video from a friend and without thinking I just opened it and let the video play and was like “Hang the fuck on a second, IM DRIVING WHY THE FUCK WOULD I OPEN THAT!?!”

        Once I caught myself doing it I was really annoyed at myself.