I don’t know any dedicated democrat that is in favor of ZERO restrictions on abortion. It will be interesting to see if they finally speak up and end the bullshit of abortion up to the point of birth, and unfortunately in some states beyond that point.

  • @TORFdot0
    54 months ago

    The government has the right to manage its workforce the same way any private entity does. What the government can’t do is say all Americans must get vaccinated or say the inverse that nobody can get vaccinated.

    No one, including the government or private business, has to kowtow to your personal beliefs about the vaccine.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -74 months ago

      Good point. You can lose your job and career because of your personal beliefs. Makes sense

      • @TORFdot0
        64 months ago

        Not that refusing a vaccine is the same as being abhorrently racist but people lose their job and career for their personal beliefs all the time.

        Being anti-vax isn’t a protected class unless it was a sincerely held religious belief. And every mandate had exemptions based on religious belief.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -74 months ago

          People weren’t anti vax. They personally didn’t want to take it