I don’t know any dedicated democrat that is in favor of ZERO restrictions on abortion. It will be interesting to see if they finally speak up and end the bullshit of abortion up to the point of birth, and unfortunately in some states beyond that point.

  • @Skyrmir
    157 months ago

    You guys know that abortion means to stop the process of birth right? As in the literal meaning of the word. So unless someone has a time machine, there is no such thing as an abortion after birth. That’s just deranged fever dreams.

    Also, I am in favor of zero laws against preventing anyone from defending their life and health. If I were to put any other person in the same danger that a fetus does to a woman, I’d be shot in the face, and there’s no one on the right that would blink.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -177 months ago

      I’ll bet you spoke out loudly against federal and state governments forcing people to take the vax? Right?

      • @Dkarma
        167 months ago

        The vaxx keeps you safe. Not one single person was ever forced to take a vaccine. You had a choice. You know …that thing u keep denying women.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -127 months ago

          Not one single person was ever forced to take a vaccine.

          Do understand the difference between “being forced” and if you don’t do it you lose your job?

          • @Jimmyeatsausage
            77 months ago

            So if it’s a hard choice…like one that will impact you for the next 20 or so years…

          • @CM400
            77 months ago

            So you’re not in favor of “forcing” people to take the vaccine, but you are in favor of forcing women to risk their lives for the sake of some cells that couldn’t survive outside of a body to incubate them?

            • @Mickey7OP
              -107 months ago

              I never said I was against all abortions and I CLEARLY SAID that it was always justified if the life or health of the mother was threatened. Read the responses and don’t immediately characterize others as diametrically opposed to your views

  • themeatbridge
    117 months ago

    I’m in favor of zero restrictions on abortion. It’s a decision to be made between a mother and her doctor. There’s no reason for the government to be involved at all in healthcare decisions.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -197 months ago

      Good Point. You mean like forcing people to take the vax to keep their job? Right?

      • @Dkarma
        117 months ago

        Nice false equivalency. That’s not being forced. That’s being given a choice you simply don’t like. Those are not the same thing and the fact that you guys keep pretending like it is makes you look like the fools you actually are.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -117 months ago

          My definition of foolishness is having diametrically opposed view on when… “my body… my choice”

      • @TORFdot0
        67 months ago

        That was your employer that required it. The government didn’t force any private employer to require vaccines. Nor did Roe force women to get abortions

        • @Mickey7OP
          -107 months ago

          Got it. So you spoke out against employers requiring it. And you are wrong about the federal government. Many federal jobs including the military required it.

          • @TORFdot0
            57 months ago

            I’m not denying that the government required it for government employment. But you could always get a non government job if you didn’t want to get vaxxed.

            With the exception of military, but we trample on the rights of our soldiers all the time. But it’s something of a requirement to have an effective military, to make sure our soldiers are inoculated so they can be ready for action.

            • @Mickey7OP
              -107 months ago

              Good point. The next time the government requires you to do something that you disagree with to keep your job remember… no big deal just get another job

              • @TORFdot0
                57 months ago

                The government has the right to manage its workforce the same way any private entity does. What the government can’t do is say all Americans must get vaccinated or say the inverse that nobody can get vaccinated.

                No one, including the government or private business, has to kowtow to your personal beliefs about the vaccine.

                • @Mickey7OP
                  -77 months ago

                  Good point. You can lose your job and career because of your personal beliefs. Makes sense

  • @VelvetStorm
    87 months ago

    You do understand that no one gets a late term abortion for no reason right?

    • @Mickey7OP
      -67 months ago

      I would really like to explore that with you. I should start off by saying I am not religious so that plays no part in my opinion. But… if I was told that the baby would be born with some type of birth defect that would ensure that they never had a chance at a normal life I would be totally in favor of ending the pregnancy. My understanding, I COULD BE WRONG, is that with today’s technology we can tell early on if the fetus has an birth defect issue. What I am totally against, AGAIN I COULD BE WRONG, are women who just keep waiting to go through the procedure even though they are in no position emotionally or financially to have a kid. So I would be very interested in what you can tell me about WHY there are late term abortions that could have been done very early on. Note - I am also totally in favor if there is a risk to the life of the mother.

      • @VelvetStorm
        57 months ago

        Well, like you, I could be wrong, but it is my understanding that some birth defects don’t develop until later on or the extent of how bad it is, is unknown until certain points in a pregnancy.

        Obviously, I can’t speak for other people, and as a cis man, I have zero first-hand experience with these issues, but my opinions are as follows.

        As for why some people who know the fetus will not survive after it is born yet continue with the pregnancy I would say it’s because a lot of places won’t let you get an abortion anymore so they are trapped into carrying it to term or they don’t have the money to travel to someplace to get an abortion or they have no support system in place because of crazy religious beliefs people in their “support” system have.

        It’s free and extremely easy for most people to get pregnant (all it takes is one mistake or accident), but it is expensive to get an abortion. It is especially expensive if you live in a backward ass state that banned womens healthcare (there are at least 14 of them). So you now have to not only pay for an abortion you also need to pay to travel across state lines, and then you need to pay for a place to stay before and after the abortion is done. You will also likely need to take time off of work for the abortion itself but also for recovery time. So you are looking at like a week off of work unpaid. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, that is not really doable. Not to mention, if you have a shitty job, they may just fire you.

        Abortions cost around $750 for just the procedure. Add in the time off and the travel, and you are looking at well over $1000, and there are a lot of people who literally do not have that much money.

        Personally, I think abortions should be free to anyone of any age who wants one

        I mean no offense when I say this, but you sound like you are coming from a place of privilege or like someone who has never had to struggle to survive. There were times when I was homeless and times when I had to decide on whether I was eating or having heat in the winter. These are real struggles that millions of people in usa go through every single day. Not everyone has the comfort of knowing they have $1000+ emergency money. Hell, not everyone has the comfort of knowing when their next meal is coming from.

        I hope I have given you some things to think about and some answers to your questions. But you really should just do some research on how fetuses develop and at what stages birth defects can develop.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -87 months ago

          I think your response was thoughtful. My takeaway is that some have money/work issues that delay the inevitable. Sounds plausible to me. More importantly you remind us all that what an individual’s benchmark of their financial state is not the same for all. We all tend to incorrectly view others based on our own perspective. While not being a person of privilege and having earned every penny I have, there are obviously many in far worse circumstances.

          • @VelvetStorm
            27 months ago

            I honestly don’t understand why you are being downvoted for responses that are helping to further the conversation.

            I would also like to add that while I am still living just above paycheck to paycheck with a tiny amout of emergency money I do still feel like I am privileged to an extent. I am able to take a few days off every other year and I am able to occasionally buy a new game or camera gear. Hell my wife and I saved up and got a ps5 at launch and she secretly saved up and bought me a steam deck. If that isn’t privilege idk what is.

            • @Mickey7OP
              -77 months ago

              I honestly don’t understand why you are being downvoted for responses that are helping to further the conversation.

              Because lemmy and reddit and most all social media sites is filled with brain dead people. They see the world as black and white. Never grey. They are fed what they are to believe by the media. They then identify anyone who doesn’t think just like them as the enemy. And when I say “think” for them it means adherence to a false narrative that they embrace as a member of a religion. They know the slogans, but don’t dare confront them with facts and have a debate. Because at that point they can’t defend their position and must move onto name calling. So all of THAT is why people wanting to have a real discussion are downvoted.

              And if YOU continue to have civil conversations with people who identify as conservatives they will eventually turn on you. You must totally toe the line and never divert from it.

  • @TORFdot0
    27 months ago

    Abortion is healthcare. I’m ok with checks and balances to make sure that it isn’t being used as a form of birth control but any reason given by a doctor as medically necessary should be accepted as valid full stop. Adding more bureaucracy to healthcare only leads to negative outcomes. My care should be between my doctor and I, not the government.

    You can put as many carve outs as you can think of, but bureaucracy is not the solution and is going to lead to people being denied care.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -57 months ago

      *I’m ok with checks and balances to make sure that it isn’t being used as a form of birth control but any reason given by a doctor as medically necessary should be accepted as valid full stop.

      OK. We agree.