I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing.
Do you have a similar game?
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This is also one of the few games where I realized I was angry and unhappy whether I won or whether I lost. Just a super emotionally exhausting experience.
I feel like I’m a worse person when I’m playing league with chat enabled. I have to play with everyone muted to not get tilted. It kind of defeats the purpose of playing a multiplayer game
My biggest complaint is how it CONSTANTLY changes. I started playing back in season 2, and played pretty consistently for at least like 5 years or so. Then life got busier, and I would have to drop it occasionally for a few months. But then when I’d pick it back up, there were tons of new things to learn or find out no longer existed, every single time. It was exhausting to catch back up on to a point where the game was playable and fun again. I kept that up for a few years, but then spent just a little too long not playing one of those times and the barrier to re-entry was just too big, so now it’s been like 2 years since I’ve played. And honestly, I don’t miss it.
As someone who’s been playing since season 1, I can’t imagine starting the game now and learning all the champions, there’s so much shit. Also low levels are filled with toxic smurfs which just ruins the experience. So yeah, I’d say LoL is a dead game for new players.
For me it’s actually TFT ahaha. I’ve played enough league that I can come back and derust fairly quickly, but for TFT, I’ve always felt lost for way longer, because the entire set changes and the units and meta are drastically different to what I remember playing.
The one thing TFT has going for it over LoL is that it’s not s team game so it’s SIGNIFICANTLY less toxic.
I played for a long time in my teens… still probably only gold but stuck at bronze rank from teammate rng
Never going back