As noted by security researcher Will Dormann, some posts on X purport to lead to a legitimate website, but actually redirect somewhere else. In Dormann’s example, an advertisement posted by a verified X user claims to lead to When Dormann clicks the link, however, it takes him to a different link to open a Telegram channel that is, “helping individuals earn maximum profit in the crypto market,” he said. In short, the “Forbes” link leads to crypto spam

  • @breadsmasher
    811 months ago

    X is read as sh

    The fuck?

    xrays now shrays?

    Xylophone (Zy) is now pronounced Shylophone?

    Xenon (Zenon) is now Shenon?

    Xerox is Sherox?

    Xylitol (Zy) is Shylitol?

    I cannot think of a single word starting X pronounced Sh and not Zh