V-Dem index cites government attacks on judiciary and ‘substantive decline’ in freedom from torture as reason Israel is now considered an ‘electoral democracy’ – in which elections are held but civil liberties and equality before the law are not safeguarded

As a result of the Israeli government’s judicial overhaul and repeated attacks by ministers on the country’s justice system, Israel has been downgraded from a “liberal democracy” to an “electoral democracy” by one of the world’s most important indices for assessing the nature of a country’s governmental system.

  • @FlowVoid
    6510 months ago

    Let me save you a click. The US is still considered a liberal democracy.

    Let me save you another click. Israel is now in the same category as Portugal, Austria, and Greece.

    • Redjard
      10 months ago

      v-dem democracy index map
      v-dem democracy index map figure subtext

      USA, Portugal and Austria are ranked between 0.7 and 0.8.
      Israel and Greece are between 0.5 and 0.6.

      For comparison: France, Germany, Sweden and Estonia are 0.8-0.9, all beating the US

      edit: added subtext of figure 1