At the end of the Smell-o-Vision ride. 10|10 awesome museum.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Fun story for y’all.

    I used to drink a lot of milk. I was a constipated teen. I took a shit one day, and to say it was anything short of awe aspiring wouldn’t do it justice. This thing was one solid thick rod sticking out of the water.

    I called my stepdad to check it out. Naturally, he was so surprised he had to tell Mum to come over. A few minutes later we’ve got a whole family of six in a bathroom admiring my turd.

    My stepdad claims to have uploaded it to ratemypoo .com (don’t bother, the site takes you to ratemypussy .com), but there is no way I’m going to sift though that nightmare of a site to find it.

    This day I learned our family was not normal.