• @NocturnalMorning
    86 months ago

    I’m annoyed that they’re changing the beginning of the game. I’m trying to beat a boss right now, and all over the internet it says all these ways I can beat him, and they don’t work, oh, and his health is 55…not so, it’s been updated so he has 75 health, and I have to fight like 12 of his minions.

    It’s hard as fuck.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      I was stuck at that fight for like 2 days worth of my available game time. What I ended up doing was luring him to the right side of his throne when you’re facing it and there is a huge bottomless pit. Then have one of your spellcasters use the force push ability or whatever the hell it’s called to shove it into it and it’s an insta kill.

    • Plum
      16 months ago

      You can change the difficulty setting at any time, except in honour mode.

      Which boss?

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        That’s not an honorable way out. What’s the point of playing a game if you can just skip the hard parts?

        • Plum
          46 months ago

          The honor is in honour mode. Play whatever way makes you happy.

      • @NocturnalMorning
        16 months ago

        It’s Dror Ragzlin, it’s already on balanced difficulty. Doesn’t feel all that balanced though, the guy like wrecks my party. Think I’m gonna have to leave and go level up some before coming back to fight him

        • Plum
          76 months ago

          Oh that fight is nasty. I’ve had luck sneaking up to the rafters and starting a surprise round.

          … or go full nuclear. Backpack stuffed with explosives, thrown at his feet. Pouches don’t work because the container needs hp in order for it to all explode at once.

          • @NocturnalMorning
            26 months ago

            Ohh, the explosives at his feet idea is good. I’ll see if I can find some explosives when I get home. I don’t actually know where to get them. Thanks for the tip!

            • Plum
              6 months ago

              Any vial in your inventory with the thrown property will work, I think. And maybe the weapon coatings, too. The smoke powder kegs and firewine barrels will work too, if your character is strong enough.

        • @[email protected]
          66 months ago

          The beginning of the game is brutal. Like normal D&D 5E, if you’re before level three or four a single mistake or a stiff breeze can kill a player.

          I’ve played Act 1 a couple times and I bounce around the whole map doing stuff in a specific order so I don’t get wrecked.

          • @NocturnalMorning
            26 months ago

            I ended up changing the difficulty to easy, and going to level up. I’m not familiar with DnD, and was expecting the leveling system to work like other rpgs, but it really doesn’t. Gotta throw out my expectations. I finally beat him after using environment tricks to kill the other two goblin bosses and then leveling up to 4. Made a huge difference being level 4 and on easy instead of balanced.

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              Yeah D&D leveling is not linear at all.

              • 1-3: Extremely fragile, casters can be one shot by most non-minions
              • 4-7: Balanced, can handle most things with some prep
              • 8-12: Basically unstoppable unless caught by surprise
              • 13-20: Godlike

              A single level can make a huge difference. Particularly when you hit thresholds for extra attacks or higher tier spells.

        • @SpacetimeMachine
          26 months ago

          I’ve had success throwing the nautilus orb thing that pulls in everything into the goblins around the dead mindflayer and then hitting them with some AOE. Your highest priority target though is the war drums that they can use to alert everyone else.

          • @NocturnalMorning
            6 months ago

            Should I hit the war drum when the fight starts? I tried hitting it before and it didnt seem to help

            • @SpacetimeMachine
              6 months ago

              Generally I had someone posted up right near that had high dex (good spot for a ranged character anyway) that way they can destroy it before any goblins get to it. Also had someone up top to take care of the 2 human assassin guys. I view that fight as essentially 3 smaller ones, the 2 guys up top, the goblins, and then ragzlin. If you can take out most of the first two the rest of the fight is much easier.

              The other option (albeit less ideal one) is to knock him into the pit to the right of him. Although I don’t think you can get his parasite or loot if you do that.

              Also I should point out you should be at least around level 4 when you fight him, otherwise it will be significantly harder

            • @statler_waldorf
              26 months ago

              If you avoid initiating the conversation with him, the two human/drow/humanoids will patrol a bit and conveniently both stop under a large chandelier that has a little pin holding it up. Dropping it can one-shot them both.

              There are candles all over that dais that will ignite grease pools.

              There’s a wooden bridge behind and above Dror that will easily break and drop whoever is standing on it into the chasm.

              Knock a goblin into the pit behind them and there are two spiders that will eat them.

              Using the environment to your advantage helps a ton.