If you do, then what exactly defines a soul in your view?

  • TokyoCalling
    2 years ago


    I think that people are attracted to the idea of a soul because they would like to think that there is something unchanging about them. A desire for constancy in an inconstant world.

    What I have experienced is wild changes in my own behavior, thoughts, desires, fears, drives, and whatever-might-have-you. Certainly, I am not the same person I was when I was an infant or when I was a child or when I was a young man or - I suppose in a more subtle way - I will be after I finish posting this and get some lunch.

    I argue with myself. Blame myself. Bargain with myself. Pump myself up. All as though there are different selves within me at all times. By this I conclude that I don’t really have a self, but more of a collection of personalities, characteristics, and traits that are more or less dominant at any given moment. I am large, I contain (thank you Walt) multitudes.

    I am comfortable with my inconstancy and inconsistencies. Generally at peace about having selves rather than a self.

    I see no evidence of a soul. And I haven’t the need for one that would drive me to delude myself into thinking I have one nonetheless.