VideoLAN @videolan App Stores were a mistake. Currently, we cannot update VLC on Windows Store, and we cannot update VLC on Android Play Store, without reducing security or dropping a lot of users… For now, iOS App Store still allows us to ship for iOS9, but until when?
Dear VLC, in your download section there is the F-Droid app store option which I consider a good thing. p.s. Why are you still posting on Twitter ??? On your website I see two buttons Facebook and Twitter. Time for a change ?
By the way, and are Tor unfriendly. Another link :
Not just Tor, they poison DNS queries from Cloudfare and Quad9, basically any DNS that doesn’t give them sufficient location information about the end user.
That’s probably why it wasn’t working
The guy upset about his 14 year old iPad not still receiving support is hilarious!
Ok yeah it’s kind of funny but if you think about it for a second that ipad is perfectly functional. If apple doesn’t want to support it because it doesn’t make them money, then why can’t the community? Why does apple get to decide what is e-trash and what isn’t?
The laptop I bought second hand in 2014 is still very much functionnal, and in fact it still runs. I’ll concede that it doesn’t run well, as it was already unpowered back then, but it runs some flavors of Linux oriented towards low-power devices, because people made them to do specifically this. If I had bought a second had ipad instead, it would be in a landfill by now. It didn’t even take any special actions on toshiba’s part to make it behave like this, they just made a laptop that was up to the standards of every other laptop at the time. What I’m getting at is that this isn’t a new idea, we know how to take care of our devices for longer already, were it not for the apples and googles telling us what we can’t and can do on the device we own.
I thought MissTake’s response was really good and covers pretty much everything
Disagree. They should be forced to open it up for the community to maintain it when they end support.
My thoughts exactly. It would be unreasonable to expect full support 14 years after it came out, and it would be unreasonable to expect modern apps to work flawlessly. But it’s not unreasonable to say that all the specs mentionned by the commenter can just be considered to all be 0 if the device cant run anything - not because it is physically incapable of it, but because we can’t even try.
From my understanding of the quoted text, that’s what the person is suggesting. That at a certain point, things shouldn’t any longer just work and users should be made to take responsibility.
Its hilarious that apple is creating a bunch of ewaste for no good reaaon?
My mom’s macbook is 14 years old and perfectly functional. So why doesnt it work (well) anymore?
Apple doesnt provide updated root certificates anymore, so all https sitesare borked.