Three officers approached the boy’s house, with one asking “What you doing bro, you good?” They heard a loud bang, later determined to be fireworks, and shot at the child. Fortunately, no physical injuries were recorded. In initial reports, police falsely claimed that they fired at a “man” who had fired on officers.

In a subsequent assessment of the event, the Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability (“COPA”) concluded that “a firearm was not used against the officers.” Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling placed all attending officers on administrative duty for 30 days and is investigating whether the officers violated department policies.

ShotSpotter is the largest company which produces and distributes audio gunshot detection for U.S. cities and police departments. Currently, it is used by 100 law enforcement agencies.

Experts have long been warning of these tools’ the inaccuracy.

  • P03 Locke
    9 months ago

    What is even the purpose of this post? If you’re going to be so ignorant of US history, at least don’t act so high and mighty about your implications.

    How do Americans still allow guns to be so easily available?

    The 2nd Amendment, for one. It’s a constitutional amendment that hasn’t changed since the Constitution was written, back in 1787. It’s also the 2nd, and not say, the 20th, so its importance is more significant in the minds of the American public than certain ones we’ve gotten rid of, like the alcohol ban (18th).

    It requires a 2/3rds majority in Congress to change a constitutional amendment, and that sure as fuck ain’t happening with today’s batshit crazy GOP. They can’t even keep their own party together with the right-wing crazies having fights with the extremely-right wing House majority leaders because they have the gall to “compromise”, which is the whole fucking point of Congress.

    Besides, all of this talk of “banning guns” is unproductive. If you want to make change, start with regulations. Canada’s got a shit ton of guns, and nobody’s bitching about them, because they are properly regulated.

    Isn’t it well past the point where incidents involving guns should almost never happen?

    What the fuck does this question even mean? Is what “well past the point”? Why would “incidents involving guns” should almost never happen? Brits have gun bans, and they still have gun incidents.

    Banning a thing doesn’t make it go away. I thought we learned this shit with the War on (some) Drugs. Or, for that manner, Prohibition. (Do you like gangs? Well, you can thank Prohibition for that shit.)

    • @stoly
      09 months ago

      Your arrogance is compounded by your ignorance in assuming that they are from the US. Lemmy is an international service.

      • P03 Locke
        09 months ago

        I know they aren’t from the US, because an American wouldn’t ask such nationally-ignorant questions.