My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.

  • @GutterPunch
    131 year ago

    Driving slow, leaving early and arriving early. I usually drive a bit below the speed limit, and always follow speed limit signs. It keeps people safe, even if their own impatience makes them tailgate eachother 10 cars in a row behind me. Some people like to be in a hurry when they drive and don’t know how to relax and drive calmly, I’ve never been sure why.

    • @derpysmilingcat
      71 year ago

      I’m with you minus the driving below the speed limit thing.

      Why would you do that?

      • art
        11 year ago

        Literally zero down side and it’s safer.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          In my experience this results in more people trying to pass because they don’t have too much extra time to go below the limit. More passing equals more potentially dangerous situation, at least if there are no extra lane and passing is on the oncoming traffic lane. So there’s at least one downside imho.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Don’t have the leaving early part down yet but I’m making a conscious effort to be more accomodating on the road? For a long time I’ve been annoyed with some road behavior. People squeezing in before me with what feels like half a meter to spare. People not letting me join the passing lane. Until I realized that I contributed to these myself. Because I didn’t want anyone to squeeze in in front of me I kept a short distance to the next car which means that other cars were either not being let in (which I hate when it happens to me) or force it by squeezing into way to narrow gaps.

      So I decided to deliberately let anyone join the passing lane that wants in. I’m not gonna drive slower as default but if I see you stuck behind a truck I’ll fall back enough to make it clear that you can hop over. This solves both problems for me.

    • silly goose meekah
      41 year ago

      I know it’s dangerous, and I know it’s stupid, but it’s just a lot of fun and I love doing it. I try to not overdo it and don’t do things that are actively putting others in danger (only cutting corners when I can clearly see that there is no other car coming my way etc. any doubt and I just slow down for the corner). I only let loose on the Autobahn when there’s no speed limit. Luckily I have that available 😅

      I tried to get my fix in assetto with a wheel and VR, but nothing beats actually doing it. I’d love to have a car to take on the track, but it’s so expensive.

    • @SweetSitty
      31 year ago

      Driving slow is fine, as long as you aren’t in the left lane on the highway. That should be kept clear as a passing lane. I have definitely become a slower and safer driver as I’ve gotten older. I’ve also learned that budgeting an extra 15 minutes or so to get someplace gets me there with time to spare so I’m not as stressed while driving.

    • @dan1101
      21 year ago

      Yeah having to rush to get somewhere with any little problem or delay making you late, and additionally being mad at other people for NOT being in a rush is no way to live. Leave a little early and relax, everyone is just trying to get where they’re going safely.

    • art
      11 year ago

      Slower speeds are safer. There would be a lot less fatalities if everyone just went the speed limit.