They’re in order of likelihood of being played. Craig is a mate of mine who I play with when time permits.

  • @MrMcGasion
    111 months ago

    Putting how many games I have in each category in brackets since your screenshot included that info and I think it’s interesting data to include.

    I have “Uninterested” [7] as a category for games I will probably never play. “Backlog” [33] for games I haven’t started, but do eventually want to play. “Story Started” [25] for games that I have started playing but haven’t finished the core story or made it to the credits of (some of these games have been in this category for years). A “Playing” [7] category for a few games from the “Story Started” collection that I consider as games I’m actively playing. And a “Story Complete” [91] category for games that I’ve at least reached a credits screen or otherwise finished the core game/story.

    If I enjoy a game a lot, through multiple playthroughs (or at least expect to return for another playthrough at some point) it gets added to my Favorites [14].

    And then there’s the 280 games in the Uncategorized list, I have played a bit of some of them, but for most of them I’d want to start over from the beginning rather than continue from where I left off.